Naughty or Nice

Naughty or Nice

Merry Christmas Eve! As the holidays come and go every year, we all question whether we made Santa’s naughty or nice list. This year, I have been cultivating a list of the season’s naughty and nice things. What have you been?

The roads (be safe!).

Finding the perfect gift.

Passive aggressive people/ people in a rush.

Sending letters to far away friends.

My car, which is dirty no matter the weather- thx salt.

Rewatching Christmas movies.

Cookies that turn into blobs no matter what.

Sugar cookies.

School issues that arise too late in the term.

Getting a parking spot near the doors at the mall (a hard feat).

Dropping precious ornaments.

Christmas parades with hot cocoa.

Working through the holidays. 

Lazy days in cozy pajamas. 

Getting a Tim Horton’s gift card for Secret Santa.

Driving around to see Christmas lights.

Awkward run-ins with people from high-school.

Micheal Buble’s Christmas album (A Christmas treasure).

What falls on your naughty and nice list this year?


How to Navigate Grad School

How to Navigate Grad School

So you have decided you want to try your hand at grad school? As a semi-graduate from a Masters Degree, I feel that I finally have the expertise to tell others about my experience (and those around me).

Here are a few things you need to be aware of:

Fellow Students: They will be just as confused as you are, especially when it comes to figuring out contracts, funding, conflicting office opinions. You may have lots of friends when you start grad school, but none are like your classmates because they will all be going through the same mental breakdowns as you.

Office Environment: you are not like the other students in your department but you are also not really faculty- which can make it hard to fit in.

The Department: I am a firm believer in that you make what you get out of your supervisor and the other resources in your department. However, in some cases, some supervisors are hard to deal with. They go missing for months, they don’t offer any support, or they offer too much.

Office Admin: they are able to do a lot for you, so make sure you make friends with them.

Thesis: you won’t want to start early, but you really should because last-minute writing sucks. The page number itself causes initial shock, but following a self-made timeline is the second.

Research: it won’t mean much, despite what you think when you are first asked to choose a thesis topic.

Graduating: You will be overqualified for the job market but underqualified for any PhD program.

Well, I hope this semi-sarcastic take on graduate school didn’t completely deter you from ever wanting to seek further education and if you are starting grad school I wish you luck!


An Interview With My Best Friend

An Interview With My Best Friend

This week I figured I’d let someone else do the work for me. She is fierce, fabulous and made of tin….she is my closest friend…

….she’s a trash can!


well, not really… but close. This week is a small interview with my best friend: Christina!

B: How did we meet?

C: Is it bad that I genuinely don’t remember the first time we actually met? I feel like it was in passing in a hallway. What I DO remember is meeting for a coffee or dinner one day and after another friend bailed we bonded over our shared distaste for… Well, people. Or am I totally off? Lol memory is not one of my strengths.


B: Favorite memory together?

C: We have so many awesome memories together. It feels like I could pick anytime we went out to a club or just hung out and went for a drive. Two that come to my mind right away is the time we went for a drive with Karim and Fady because we were all trying to procrastinate. Another is when we recently staked out a neighborhood for a good 30 minutes because there were a million firetrucks around and we wanted the tea.


B: Favorite thing to do together?

C: Drive around, blast music and just talk about whatever. You’re also a great person to party with, obvs. And watching YouTube videos of trash people or drag queens is fun too.


B: Do you have any hobbies or special skills?

C: Lol I mean, I am a queen in general so take ur pick amirite. One special skill that is specific to me is my keen ability to spend money I don’t have haha.


B: What do you like about me?

C: Nothing. Next question. Just kidding. You’re funny, straight-forward, and in general, a really supportive friend. You never fail to make me feel like I’m important in your life, and I think it’s hard to find people like that? Also, we like the same garbage.


B: What’s your least favourite thing about me?

C: You’re not an overly generous billionaire. You didn’t like sushi for like, the first 3 years that I’ve known you. You think my UGGs are trash.


B: That’s because they are… and if I had more than a dime to my name I’d share. Anyways, who are three of your female heroes?

C: Amy Poehler, Emilia Clarke, and Banks. I feel like I’m missing some very obvious candidates but whatever. All women are great. (Except you Melania and Ivanka, don’t get it twisted)


B: When you were little what did you want to grow up to be?

C: Hahahahahahah. A singer.


B: Jeans vs leggings?

C: Jorts

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B: Really? I expected you to say “Jeggings” haha. But in all honesty, why are you so amazing?



B: so you think you are amazing then?

There you have it, an in-depth, revealing interview with my best friend. So glad we bonded over our failed friendship with someone else ❤


Countdown to Christmas

Countdown to Christmas

It’s that time of year again- the month before Christmas. We find ourselves in the midst of a struggle of celebration vs obligation. Here is the emotional rollercoaster that follows the weeks leading up to Christmas.

Remembrance Day/ Thanksgiving is over- you are free to fully enjoy the Christmas spirit.

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You go all out, decorating, making goodies and enjoying all that the season has to offer.

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You come down quickly when you realize that Christmas is still a month away, and you still have work or exams before you can properly celebrate.

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You console yourself with a Christmas movie.

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Your Christmas cheer plateaus in the first weeks of December.

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But you quickly pass the worst of it and you can see the light at the end of the tunnel.

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You have your first extended family member ask you something too personal and you remember the underbelly of the holidays.

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But then it’s Christmas Eve and you couldn’t care less.

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It’s finally Christmas!! Enjoy all those treats you work so hard to work off the rest of the year, be with your family and share in the spirit of the holidays!

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…and just like that, Christmas is over, and once again you are left waiting.

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Happy pre-Christmas! hope you are all spreading your pre-Christmas cheer!


22 Things I Learned at 22

22 Things I Learned at 22

That’s right! It’s that time of year again, where I reflect on my past year, with some sub-par advice and some pictures that don’t really belong here.

  1. A pouch isn’t just an accessory, its a way of life.
  2. Fewer close friends are better than a bunch of acquaintancesGPTempDownload
  3. Be wise, moisturize.
  4. Being an independent worker is hard, but it let’s you do what you want.Processed with VSCO with f1 preset
  5. Financing is tough, but a necessary skill to learn.
  6. My myers-briggs personality (ENTP-T) says more about me than my star sign ever will. IMG_6692
  7. House plants are an absolute necessity.
  8. Yoga is a godsent, pilates are not.
  9. Life moves fast. Appreciate where you are in the moment.IMG_8178
  10. Take risks and travel far.Processed with VSCO with m6 preset
  11. I can buy candy whenever I want because I’m adult and I don’t need a reason.
  12. Less is more, and regularly go through your things is important.
  13. Take care of yourself, whether it be a walk or a bubble bath- time for yourself is important. IMG_8257 2
  14. Pursue things that interest you. In a month, I will have a master’s degree in television (~living the dream~).Processed with VSCO with s3 preset
  15. Life requires prioritizing- make time for your friends and family.
  16. Scavenger hunts are for adults.IMG_5149
  17. Take more pictures.IMG_7759
  18. Never stop learning.
  19. Empowered women empower other women.Processed with VSCO with f1 preset
  20. Don’t let emotions rule what you do today.IMG_8258 2
  21. I am pretty much 100% incapable of completely things so this was a struggle.
  22. oh crap… I need one more…. “‘You miss 100% of the shots you don’t take’-Wayne Gretsky”-Micheal Scottmichealscott


And for more birthday posts: 21 Things I Learned at 21, 20 Things I Learned at 20, the Growth of One Super Sarcastic Bitch (me)


The Great Canadian Roadtrip

The Great Canadian Roadtrip

Recently my friends and I drove from Vancouver, British Columbia to St.Catharines, Ontario, a 44 hour drive.

I won’t say that the footage is the best, but it is our journey and it is relatively caught on camera.

Moments to watch for:

  •  Kayla almost getting puked on while whale-watching
  •  Majestic man on the whale-watching boat
  •  Kayla coming out of the pool with water on her face
  •  Kayla attempting to use a roadside port-a-potty


*Credits to all the music we used- Portugal, Trixie Mattel, Kesha, and Clairy Brown.

Back to School as Told by Dwight Schrute.

Back to School as Told by Dwight Schrute.

Dwight Schrute is my favourite character from NBC’s the Office, and it just happens that his character exemplifies how I feel about going back to school.

So summer is almost over….


…and you have to decide which of your personalities to introduce yourself with.


When your professor starts sending emails before school starts.


When you have to introduce yourself to the class.200_s-4

When you manage to have no 8ams.



When there are sales on school supplies.


When your professor assigns readings assigned before the class starts.


When homecoming is around the corner.


Ignoring your problems like


But overall school means you get to see your friends again.






Good luck! -B.

I Scream, You Scream, We All Scream…

I Scream, You Scream, We All Scream…

…for ice cream (unless you are dairy-free). It is summer, and in the summer many of us like enjoy the occasional cone. And after a few too many trips to the parlor, I have realized how predictable flavor choices are to the people who buy them.

A 100%* accurate list of ice cream flavors and the type of person who buys each.

*in my opinion

Bubble Gum/ Cotton Candy: any child, or any adult who doesn’t mind blue teeth.


Image Credit: Whipped Up Whimsy

Maple Pecan: any old person (aka my dad, my grandma). I don’t understand what part of this ice cream they like so much… the artificial maple or the soggy nut-chunks?

Be Whole. Be You.

Moose Tracks: a Canadian classic. the type of person I want to be around (also my favorite).


Cookies and Cream: You know what you like and stick to it.

Healthy Food For Living.

Cookie Dough: an ice cream connoisseur, willing to take risks, as no cookie dough ice cream is alike.


Strawberry, Vanilla, Chocolate: the ol’ faithful, indecisive fall back. When in doubt, go plain.


Rocky Road/ Heavenly Hash: you are a little nuts, but you have a soft side.


Tiger Tail: I am a lover of all ice creams. That being said, I don’t consider this disgrace an ice cream. So tiger tail is to me what Trump is to the world.

Celebration Generation

Soft Serve: boo, boring. This person either has no teeth or is extremely uninteresting. Exhibit A:


Gelato: oh you are cultured aren’t you.


What type of ice cream do you like?

A Letter to My 17-Year Old Self.

A Letter to My 17-Year Old Self.

At the age of 17, I moved out, went to university and experienced the largest change in my life yet. Now I am 22. And I feel like I have 5 years worth of experience to reflect on.


Dear Brittany,

For starters, Moving out makes you scared and unsure. You are going to university as the next step in your life because you don’t really know what you want to do. And that is okay.

However, you may not like what you thought you did, and you may learn that you did things for the entirely wrong reasons. (Like picking a program because even though you did poorly in it in high school, you really enjoyed it.)

Things aren’t as easy as they are in high school. Your life isn’t mapped out for you and motivation is a process you need to learn.

You will be able to meet lots of people and make many new friends. They won’t all be a good fit, but compared to the small town you are from, it is a lot easier to move around the people you don’t get along with.

OH and money, it may seem like the scholarships are ever flowing, but they are not. So perhaps try and save a bit of money while you are at it. Loans add up, and you don’t want to be the sorry sack of shit (me) that didn’t save a dime for/in school.

Also, parties come and go, you won’t be forgotten because you missed a party and decided to stay in. Nor should you feel left out or regret it. You need to take time to yourself and relax, but also get work done. It won’t do itself and if you are deciding between doing an assignment or going out to the pub, you may be better off at home.

Don’t rush things, your time at school is short and it will fly by, don’t constantly wish yourself to be passed this stage of your life because eventually, you will find that you wished those years away. University is safe and you should enjoy each step as you are experiencing them. (Live in the moment??)

Overall, despite the unease, you will make your way through school and all you need to do is take a leap of faith and trust that even if your life doesn’t go where you thought it would, you will find your way.

Experiences make you strong, so have no regrets.


Summer School: A Survival Guide

Summer School: A Survival Guide

So you made the decision to take classes through the summer, you figured it would be a great use of time until:

  1. All of your friends are enjoying their summer and you are in a classroom.
  2. Not to mention there is no AC at the school in the summer.
  3. And the classes are accelerated, so you are just trying to make it to the end.
  4. No one wants to be there, so you are all bitter together.
  5. You run out of money, because you are trying to “focus on your school work”.
  6. You spend the dog days inside writing term papers.
  7. You want to do fun things, but deadlines and meetings ruin any chance of that.
  8. You are sad that none of your friends are around on campus, but then turn into Dwight Schrute when the school is all of a sudden busy.tenor.gif
  9. During the school year, you can console yourself with the thought that everyone is in school, then April hits and you tell yourself “at least the high school kids are still in school”. But then July hits and you and your fellow summer school mates are an island. Just hoping someone sees your flares.halp2theremix
  10. For months you tell yourself you will get it all done in the summer..but you don’t.
  11. TBA