New Year, New Me?

Well well well…

It’s another new year.

And after a pretty unexciting year has past, I feel the need to rev up for 2019. Don’t get me wrong- last year brought me many good things- I graduated from my masters, I made lots of great friendships, I was more social than I could have ever expected.

I also had a few resolutions. I wanted to drink water (which I definitely did), I wanted to find a job, which I did (technically), but in retail. I bought myself new underwear and focused a bit more on myself. Which came in a few forms: self care and talking time to care of my mental health, learning when to say no and give myself time, and also care a bit less about what others think and realize for the most part that we are all over thinking about what everyone around us is thinking.

So this year, I want to get a bit more excited, as my life has become a bit dull and monotonous.

I want to make a bit more money (to pay off some student loans) and also lose a bit of weight. I told myself that a good rule for me to start with is to aim to lose 15 pounds and make 15,000$ (obviously the goal is to do even better, but ya girl has to start somewhere). As for my new fitness journey, I am reluctant to talk about it here for fear of failing and reverting to my lazy lifestyle, so after 3 weeks of being conscious of what I put in my body, working out more and trying to do better I felt it was time to share.

I really hope to be more financially responsible, hopefully even on a retail salary I can try and save a bit of money for a rainy day and stop needlessly spending.

I hope I can make more time for my family and friends, as 2018 seemed to be controlled fully by work, which forced my loved ones to take a back seat (not cool Brittany). This means this year it is time to care a bit more and make time.

Other than than I am just really hoping that all goes well with this whole PhD application thing ( oh for those of you who don’t know, I am applying for my PhD). I hope the stress doesn’t get to me and I hope I collect a few ideas for Plan B.

Oh and lastly, my most recent resolution I added was to learn to give off “big dick energy”. Which is defined by Urban Dictionary as “confidence without cockiness. It is never misplaced and it cannot be simulated. It is the sexual equivalent of writing a check for $10k knowing you got it in the bank account.” So yeah, that’s a real goal for me.

I hope this year will be happier, and filled with more great experiences!

2018 was alright, but here’s to making 2019 a bit better.

New Year’s Resolutions

New Year’s Resolutions

Although many say that people never change, I’m still trying. Another year has passed, and as we saw last week in my Year in Review, most of my resolutions were huge successes! So in light of another new year, here are my new resolutions:

Learn to be independent financially don’t begin to pay off my university debt. That’s right, as a soon-to-be graduate, I have my fair share of debt, so this year marks a new opportunity for a more financially responsible Brittany.

Practice photography and focus on documenting my life. I would like to better capture my favourite moments and learn to take pictures in manual mode. Also these pictures will ~preferably~ not be blurry.

Visit my friends abroad do continue to see the world. With a few friends scattered across Europe and Asia it would be great to visit them.

Be more interesting- even more then last year.

Cut down on baggage. Emotional, material, etc. *snip snip*

Practice my Dutch. Hopefully become conversational.

Try and save money for a rainy day.

Try and work on my bullet journal everyday. (At the very least, not miss a month at a time).

Stop eating like trash. I’m not 18 anymore and adult acne isn’t cute.

These may seem pretty easy, but I like my resolutions doable, if not inevitable. I hope this year brings hope and a light at the end of last years dumpster fire… happy new year!


Year in Review: 2017

Year in Review: 2017

Well, it’s that time of year again… time to write down how I will do better next year and review all of the ways I didn’t do it last year. Here is how 2017 looked for me:

Drink more water: This year I actually decided not to write this down as a resolution, because every year I write it down and almost every year I don’t. So instead, I started trying to carry a water bottle with me and keep a glass of water next to my bed. Between the two I have drastically increased my intake.

The year of the good skin: if you know me, you’ll know that I have quite dry and acne prone skin. So this year my goal was to treat my skin better, I have actually invested time into researching products for my skin type rather than just buying random ones from Shoppers when I need them. This year I have bought products that work for me and continue to try and wash my face twice a day.

Buy new underwear: this may be too much information and I know it seems pretty easy. But the premise was this: I have been holding on to the same old undies for years to the point where they are falling apart. Since the New Year I have completely reinvented myself-only new undies for this gal.

Be more interesting/ try new things: I mean, I didn’t learn to embroider like I had hoped to. But I did successfully complete a bullet journal, I watched more vine compilations that I care to admit and I posted on my blog more consistently.

Complete masters: I set the bar high, perhaps I forgot about my insane tendency to put things off, but it looks like completing my master’s degree will be a 2018 thing.

Along with these *attempts* to change myself I also learned:

Memories are souvenirs too: you don’t always need to buy a postcard, a t-shirt or that tacky ornament that you see on vacation

Nor do you have to capture every moment on your camera, memories are the heart and soul of travelling and they don’t cost a thing.

Life isn’t perfect: this year was filled with many ups and downs, but overall I feel like I learned to make the best out of shitty situations and try and enjoy as much as possible.

My drag queen alter-ego: her name is “Dedna Ditch” and her slogan is “ I’m not here for a long time, I’m here for a good time”.

I hope that 2018 offers you all a chance to grow, try news things and most of all- buy new underwear.


Naughty or Nice

Naughty or Nice

Merry Christmas Eve! As the holidays come and go every year, we all question whether we made Santa’s naughty or nice list. This year, I have been cultivating a list of the season’s naughty and nice things. What have you been?

The roads (be safe!).

Finding the perfect gift.

Passive aggressive people/ people in a rush.

Sending letters to far away friends.

My car, which is dirty no matter the weather- thx salt.

Rewatching Christmas movies.

Cookies that turn into blobs no matter what.

Sugar cookies.

School issues that arise too late in the term.

Getting a parking spot near the doors at the mall (a hard feat).

Dropping precious ornaments.

Christmas parades with hot cocoa.

Working through the holidays. 

Lazy days in cozy pajamas. 

Getting a Tim Horton’s gift card for Secret Santa.

Driving around to see Christmas lights.

Awkward run-ins with people from high-school.

Micheal Buble’s Christmas album (A Christmas treasure).

What falls on your naughty and nice list this year?


Introducing: Brunch Book Club

Introducing: Brunch Book Club

We are rearing the end of 2017, and with that comes preparation for the coming year, and the great things to come. The end of this year brought me to thinking about ways to expand my horizons in 2018 and help engage online, and what better way than to do something together with my readers.

Brunch Book Club is an idea of my own devices. I currently have quite the stack of unread books accumulating on my desk from friends and colleagues that require my attention. However, in my day to day life, sometimes sitting down and cracking open a book can seem like an unachievable mission, as reading is truly something that requires your full attention. You can’t get ready for work while flipping pages.

Really I hope this will be me reading a book every month and giving you my slightly sarcastic, intrigued fantasy into what I thought about the book. Obviously, I would love to see you join in, which is why each month I will announce the next book in my post.

So to begin, the first BBC (whoops I may need rights to use that) book will be:

Little Women by Louisa Alcott (1868)

I know it is a classic and its accessible at your public library, or grandma’s house. So, from here on, I will be sitting down and reading each book as I announce them, month to month, and leaving my thoughts in a stream of consciousness style blog for you all to read. Perhaps, it will function as a cliff notes summary for your 12th grade English class, or maybe it will give you a laugh or two… Only time will tell. Let’s meet and discuss back here, the last Friday of January.

I look forward to bringing you on my journey.


How to Navigate Grad School

How to Navigate Grad School

So you have decided you want to try your hand at grad school? As a semi-graduate from a Masters Degree, I feel that I finally have the expertise to tell others about my experience (and those around me).

Here are a few things you need to be aware of:

Fellow Students: They will be just as confused as you are, especially when it comes to figuring out contracts, funding, conflicting office opinions. You may have lots of friends when you start grad school, but none are like your classmates because they will all be going through the same mental breakdowns as you.

Office Environment: you are not like the other students in your department but you are also not really faculty- which can make it hard to fit in.

The Department: I am a firm believer in that you make what you get out of your supervisor and the other resources in your department. However, in some cases, some supervisors are hard to deal with. They go missing for months, they don’t offer any support, or they offer too much.

Office Admin: they are able to do a lot for you, so make sure you make friends with them.

Thesis: you won’t want to start early, but you really should because last-minute writing sucks. The page number itself causes initial shock, but following a self-made timeline is the second.

Research: it won’t mean much, despite what you think when you are first asked to choose a thesis topic.

Graduating: You will be overqualified for the job market but underqualified for any PhD program.

Well, I hope this semi-sarcastic take on graduate school didn’t completely deter you from ever wanting to seek further education and if you are starting grad school I wish you luck!


An Interview With My Best Friend

An Interview With My Best Friend

This week I figured I’d let someone else do the work for me. She is fierce, fabulous and made of tin….she is my closest friend…

….she’s a trash can!


well, not really… but close. This week is a small interview with my best friend: Christina!

B: How did we meet?

C: Is it bad that I genuinely don’t remember the first time we actually met? I feel like it was in passing in a hallway. What I DO remember is meeting for a coffee or dinner one day and after another friend bailed we bonded over our shared distaste for… Well, people. Or am I totally off? Lol memory is not one of my strengths.


B: Favorite memory together?

C: We have so many awesome memories together. It feels like I could pick anytime we went out to a club or just hung out and went for a drive. Two that come to my mind right away is the time we went for a drive with Karim and Fady because we were all trying to procrastinate. Another is when we recently staked out a neighborhood for a good 30 minutes because there were a million firetrucks around and we wanted the tea.


B: Favorite thing to do together?

C: Drive around, blast music and just talk about whatever. You’re also a great person to party with, obvs. And watching YouTube videos of trash people or drag queens is fun too.


B: Do you have any hobbies or special skills?

C: Lol I mean, I am a queen in general so take ur pick amirite. One special skill that is specific to me is my keen ability to spend money I don’t have haha.


B: What do you like about me?

C: Nothing. Next question. Just kidding. You’re funny, straight-forward, and in general, a really supportive friend. You never fail to make me feel like I’m important in your life, and I think it’s hard to find people like that? Also, we like the same garbage.


B: What’s your least favourite thing about me?

C: You’re not an overly generous billionaire. You didn’t like sushi for like, the first 3 years that I’ve known you. You think my UGGs are trash.


B: That’s because they are… and if I had more than a dime to my name I’d share. Anyways, who are three of your female heroes?

C: Amy Poehler, Emilia Clarke, and Banks. I feel like I’m missing some very obvious candidates but whatever. All women are great. (Except you Melania and Ivanka, don’t get it twisted)


B: When you were little what did you want to grow up to be?

C: Hahahahahahah. A singer.


B: Jeans vs leggings?

C: Jorts

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B: Really? I expected you to say “Jeggings” haha. But in all honesty, why are you so amazing?



B: so you think you are amazing then?

There you have it, an in-depth, revealing interview with my best friend. So glad we bonded over our failed friendship with someone else ❤


Countdown to Christmas

Countdown to Christmas

It’s that time of year again- the month before Christmas. We find ourselves in the midst of a struggle of celebration vs obligation. Here is the emotional rollercoaster that follows the weeks leading up to Christmas.

Remembrance Day/ Thanksgiving is over- you are free to fully enjoy the Christmas spirit.

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You go all out, decorating, making goodies and enjoying all that the season has to offer.

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You come down quickly when you realize that Christmas is still a month away, and you still have work or exams before you can properly celebrate.

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You console yourself with a Christmas movie.

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Your Christmas cheer plateaus in the first weeks of December.

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But you quickly pass the worst of it and you can see the light at the end of the tunnel.

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You have your first extended family member ask you something too personal and you remember the underbelly of the holidays.

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But then it’s Christmas Eve and you couldn’t care less.

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It’s finally Christmas!! Enjoy all those treats you work so hard to work off the rest of the year, be with your family and share in the spirit of the holidays!

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…and just like that, Christmas is over, and once again you are left waiting.

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Happy pre-Christmas! hope you are all spreading your pre-Christmas cheer!


Learning a Language/ Een Taal Leren

Learning a Language/ Een Taal Leren

As many of you know I am attempting to learn Dutch. A beautiful language that I really admire. So for the first time, I am attempting to write a post in both English and Dutch.

You decide you want to learn a language. Je besluit dat je wilt een taal leren.

You start strong. Jij hebt een sterke start.


But you quickly give up when you reach something too hard. Maar je geeft snel op als je iets te moeilijk is.


You decide to start again after finding some inspiration. Je probeert het opnieuw nadat je hebt inspiratie gevonden.


You really try to learn the language, and you work on it everyday. Je probeert de taal te leren en je werkt er elke dag aan.


You start to believe that you are getting it. Je begint te geloven dat je zijn je het begrijpt.


Until you are actually in a position of speaking the language. Totdat je de taal probeert te spreken.


And you realize you truly know nothing. En je beseft dat je niets weet.


This process endlessly repeats, forever. Dit proces gaat voor altijd door.


A bleak ending, but a true story. Een guur einde, maar het is waar.


If it helps, I am on a hot streak right now (otherwise known as Step. 5). But it is probably my third time through the cycle.

Good luck.


Four Days in Montreal

Four Days in Montreal

I was recently in Montreal with a well developed itinerary for my friends and I to get the most out of the city in our short time there. So if you are planning a trip anytime soon, try this-

Thursday- Day 1

Our trip involved a 9 hour drive, so we left at 8am and arrived in the city around 4:30- perfect time to check into our Airbnb and take in its beauty. Although there are many different accommodations in the city, we chose travel on the cheap and found an Airbnb in Plateau, a perfect neighbourhood that is accessible for transit, and close enough to grocery stores and attractions.


This evening we walked over to a hole-in-the-wall restaurant down the street from our apartment called Restaurant Les Belles Soeurs. It was small and cosy, with dim lighting, plants and art covering the walls.


After that, we walked over to La Distillerie No.2, which is also in the neighbourhood. It is one of three branches of this bar chain in the city. It has an industrial feel with exposed brick and hanging pipes. But we were there for the drinks- the bar is known for its litre sized cocktails. So find a table, and enjoy a very large mojito.

Friday- Day 2

This was my birthday, so today started with well wishes and gift giving. After this we found a retailer that sells transit cards, we purchased 3 day passes for 18$ that give you access to the metro and bus. Between construction and crazy city drivers I recommend looking into transit. We went for brunch at Restaurant L’avenue – a place on Avenue du Mont-Royal that is known for its brunch. They serve every meal with a plate of fruit. It was really busy so I recommend planning to wait a bit or going early. If you do visit L’avenue, make sure to stop in the bathroom- but don’t expect to touch up lipstick or hair- it probably won”t be very helpful.

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We stopped across the street at Cacao 70 for a warm drink before heading up Mount Royal. Of course, we chose the easy way and took the bus up to the look out point, but you can also hike up. We still got a bit of a hike when we got off at the wrong bus stop and were forced to walk the road back to the lookout.  But the views were great.IMG_8295 3.jpg


From here we rode the bus down the side of the hill to Rue St.Catherine for some shopping. Here you’ll find most retail stores like Forever 21, H&M, Sephora, and Zara. After purusing through the stores of interest we caught the bus to La Banquise for poutine- something Canada is known for, but is specifically native to Quebec. It is another small, but busy restaurant- so go early. The poutine here is SO GOOD- it is hard to find a good poutine gravy, and La Banquise has it. I had the Bacon Poutine, but you can explore with lots of options.

After dinner we walked home and had a rest before throwing a mini party at the apartment.


This evening we visited a few of the city’s bars, so I’ll give you a little review for each.

  • Bily Kun, 354 Mont-Royal E, known for it’s live jazz happy hours and a great speak easy vibe. The walls are lined with ostrich heads and they serve various Czech beers.
  • Newspeak, 1403 Rue Sainte Élisabeth, a bit scary to approach, as you’ll find yourself in a dead alley way. However, inside you will find a new bar which is prided for being packed with live DJs and bands.
  • Stereo Bar, 856 Rue St Catherine E, literally in a basement. It is quite dark and mysterious, but inside you’ll find a really modern club with black lights and neon paint across the walls.
  • Unity Bar, 1171 St Catherine St E, by far my favourite stop of the evening. It is a great place to dance and hear music you’ll know. Especially if you are a person who prefers pop/throwbacks to EDM.

From the club we ubered home- an easy way to get home when you just don’t feel like finding the bus at 2am.

Saturday- Day 3

Today was a day I was thoroughly excited for. We started off our day with bagels from Fairmount Bagel (which by the way, if you want butter on your bagel- bring it or prepare to buy a full tub).


We enjoyed our bagels in front of the building and then caught our bus to Old Montreal. Old Montreal is the best example of the European feel that Quebec has. It has old buildings, the Notre Dame Basilica and cobblestone streets. We started at Tommy, a magnificent cafe that has plants hanging from the ceilings and serves really aesthetically pleasing lattes.

We walked up and through the Notre-Dame Basilica– which is 6$ for entry (cash only) so come prepared! Inside is a beautiful church where Celine Dion was married. After paying my respects to my Quebecois Queen we ventured on.

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We walked through the streets, stopping along the way for candy, chocolate and any other treat we could find.

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IMG_8420 3.jpgright along the streets of old Montreal is the old port on the St.Lawerence River. From here you can walk along and view the ships, the Expo67 location and look back at the city skyline. It was getting really cold so we walked back through the city to find our next cafe, which is housed inside of the Old Royal Bank. Crew Collective Cafe is a really cool cafe with chandeliers and work rooms in old bank tellers booths. It was really busy inside (a common theme in the city) so seating was impossible.

We walked back to the basilica to catch our bus, from there we went for dinner at the famous Schwartz Deli, a restaurant that serves smoked meat sandwiches. Nestled in between bars on the busy street of St.Laurent Boulevard, this busy restaurant is often paired with a line out the door- but it is worth the wait. In under 20 minutes you will be faced with a large sandwich with coleslaw, fries and a pickle (at your request [I recommend you get them all]).

Sunday- Day 4

Today we were getting ready to go, so after spending the evening packing and cleaning our apartment. This morning we were up early to pack the car and find breakfast. At the end of our street called Croissant Croissant. It is a beautiful little cafe that serves various croissants (obviously) on pretty wooden boards with coffee.

After this we hopped in the car and drove across the city to go to a spa. But three words- so. much. construction. We found parking after being rerouted around the city about 5 times. Once again, if you thought you could drive through the city- you are wrong. We decided to end our weekend with a bang by enjoying a morning at Bota Bota. Which, technically has no land to park on- as it is literally a boat. So we found daily parking for 18$ nearby. and walked along the port to the spa. We did the water circuit, which gives you access to thermal baths, cold baths ( go all in!), steam bathes and saunas. the website recommends that you do a cycle of sauna/steam room, cold bath, thermal bath or relaxation and do this a few times. I have literally never been so relaxed, the spa is silent so for three hours you are left to relax, look out the port holes at the city and just decompress. I was so relaxed after my three hours here that the  drive home (in the rain, with construction) seemed like nothing.

I recommend trying a combination of one or all of these things in your time in Montreal for the ultimate exploration/gastronomical/relaxation weekend.

have fun!
