21 Things I Learned at 21

  1. Have a friend that can be your support system, your editor and your bodyguard all in one.
  2. Take a leap of faith on things you are unsure about. Sometimes amazing things will happen because you put yourself out there.
  3. Bubble baths should be a weekly thing.
  4. Cheap masks from the drugstore should not.
  5. Do what YOU want to do. Life isn’t all about living up to others expectations for you. (aka. if you want to go to grad school, go)
  6. Try and eat green once in a while. And no, green apple candies do not count.
  7. If it isn’t right in your life, don’t fear quitting. I quit my retail job and I am still surviving.
  8. Being a teacher’s assistant is an annoyingly rewarding experience. In that the students are annoying, but when they actually learn something you are rewarded.
  9. Save towards something that is important to you. Whether it be travel, your OSAP payments or a house, it is a great feeling to see something come out of your hard work.
  10. I mailed myself a list of things I would do better for myself while in grad school. I have effectively accomplished none of the things.
  11. Set realistic goals.
  12. Knowing if there is an elevator in an apartment should be important when debating moving.
  13. Being lazy probably makes me the most efficient person, because I will find the quickest way to do things.
  14. Graduation isn’t as exciting as it seems. Enjoy your time in university, it’ll be over before you know it.
  15. Listen to more Adele, she is good for the soul.
  16. But also try and let loose every once in a while. Dance parties are a healthy hobby.
  17. Take chances. Get that piercing, dye your hair.
  18. Keep up with old friends.
  19. Stop cutting your own hair, we are all old enough to get a $20 cut from first choice.
  20. Retail is not a forever job for me. I hated the crazy expectations stores have for employees. Especially  when they only give you minimum wage and minimum hours.
  21. Go all out for your birthday. Your only young once. We all love a good scavenger hunt.

So unfortunately I am not forever 21. And although this post is a bit of a mess, it is the culmination of the things I have learned over the past year.