

This post is dedicated to the tree in the park that is leading the pack and turning yellow, you do you boo.


So, on that note, this post is clearly about fall and how much I love it. Let me set the scene: while writing this post I am drinking a pumpkin chai tea in a “harvest apple” David’s Tea mug and while a sweater weather candle. How Festive.
I mean clearly in the past I have shown my hatred for the other seasons (both Winter and summer) because there is only one season that I truly love, and it’s fall. I mean… I don’t hate spring, but I don’t like it either, its that person who is always late to the party, the one your waiting for to bring the ice.

I really don’t like the pumpkin spice latte, it’s so sweet and doesn’t really taste like pumpkin or pumpkin pie tbh. However I thoroughly enjoy carving pumpkins. It’s cold, and pumpkins are hard to carve, but when my family and the neighbours get together for our annual pumpkin carving night there’s always lots of laughs and roasted pumpkin seeds courtesy of my mom.

(I’m starting to realize a lot of these favourites will be more nostalgic then anything)
Although I don’t understand what “leaves” smell like, aside from damn oxygen, I do enjoy a leaves scented candle. It’s woodsy and warm but not too manly. But put me outside in the leaves, and the fresh air would probably kill me.

Apple picking, jam making and turkey eating are all amazing fall activities, although I haven’t done all of them, I believe I would like it. Apple picking gives me that connection to nature I otherwise do have but so badly need.

And if you don’t think fall music is the best music your wrong, fall seems to bring about a calmer cooler sound that is very relaxing. Here’s my fall playlist from last year, it really hasn’t changed at all.

In general i have never loved the full exposure that comes with summer, neither the weather, its too hot and sticky. Fall provides me with an opportunity to bundle up in layers and wear hats and pants without sweating. Which brings about a whole other topic: fall fashion is the best, think jewel tones and sweaters, also lots of black. I really like things that are not in any way form fitting and make my sex comfort always comes first.

Fall also brings around annual “eat yourself sick day” more commonly known as the “day-after-Halloween-when-candy-is-50%-off” it’s my favourite holiday.
We are also blessed with many great fall specials and movies for the perfect night in, if you haven’t seen Halloweentown and Twitches, WHAT ARE YOU DOING WITH YOUR LIFE?!

And even though this year I don’t get to celebrate Thanksgiving with my family, I’ll take the time to appreciate my Fall blessings now.


Freshman vs. Seniors

For those of you who don’t know, I’m officially a senior. I know what your thinking: “how did this dumbie make it through 3 years of university?”… and trust me, I ask myself that everyday. But this post isn’t about me, it’s about the thousands of freshman who just started at my university that I have had the inconvenience of meeting over the past days.

The following is a compilation of things that the past six days of being a senior have shown me about the passage of time and the difference between first and fourth year.

First year: Dressed to the nine’s to go to a lecture


Fourth year: If I make to class that’s good enough.

First year: Marks don’t matter C’s get degrees!!


Fourth year: I need a 75 in my classes to not make the last 3 years a complete waste.


First year: Midterms are the first real challenge, which most don’t care about.


Fourth year: Still completely unprepared for the array of midterm papers that are presented to me.


First year: Exams are the most stressful thing you will ever write…


Fourth year: …until now.


First year: Fall reading week means getting drunk with people from high school.


Fourth year: Peaces and goes to Europe.


First year: You have osap, money saved from summer, grant money, etc…


Fourth year: “can I sell my arm to pay for my next shopping spree?”


First year: Speaking in class gave you social anxiety you never knew you had.


Fourth year: You own that seminar because there’s only 4 people and you know all of them.


First year: “I can miss one class”


Fourth year: Life depends on you attending that 8 am lecture.


First year: When you go home you spend all your time with friends.


Fourth year: Time is spent scavenging for things.


But all in all, I would never trade my three years of experience and suffering to go back to first year, even if the exams were easier.

Oh Hey There.


In a mere 34 days, I will be doing a German/Dutch trip part 2!

My friend Christina has bravely left for Mannheim for an entire semester, so as her best friend, it is my job to use this as an excuse to travel and visit her. But instead of going to just see her we will do a bit of traveling with the help of my friends in the Netherlands to go and visit with them and seeing some new things along the way.

What this means for my blog you may ask…. another travel series!

Hopefully this one won’t end half way through with my phone being stolen (but truthfully, who would steal a blackberry?)

So as of now, I’ll outline a preliminary itinerary of my trippy-trip.

Me and Christina will be meeting in Amsterdam and traveling to Markelo for 3 days, where we will go to DIEKA! ( click here if you don’t remember what happened at Dieka: )

We will also be seeing the Holten Canadian war cemetery, perhaps the Grolsch factory in Enscede and the inside of my favourite two bars.

From Markelo we will travel to Nijemgen where we will spend 3 days with cyclists from the tour! I haven’t planned a whole lot in Nijemgen because I’ve never been there. So hopefully Demi and Tom can show us the way. I will then travel to Mannheim to meet back up with Christina and spend my last days seeing all the sights that Mannheim has to offer.

Then I will travel back and go back to school and start the whole “post-trip-depression-is-too-real” thing again. I’m not the only one documenting this trip, Christina will be as well on her blog (link below) make sure to give it a look.

Hopefully I can add more details soon, but for now that’s all, so until next time.
